The sixth annual competition was basically the same as the previous year, with 17 categories. Monetary awards remained the same: $1,000 to the Travel Journalist of the Year and $500 to the (first) runner-up, with $500 to first-place winners in other categories but no monetary prize in newspaper section and magazine categories.
Judges were faculty members at the Missouri School of Journalism, with Prof. Don Ranly, associate dean, as the coordinator.
Awards For Works Published in 1989
Grand Award — Lowell Thomas Travel Journalist of the Year
First place: Catherine Watson, Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
First runner-up: Mary Lu Abbott, Houston Chronicle
Second runner-up: James S. Wamsley
Newspaper Travel Section
A: More than 250,000 circulation
First place: The Oregonian
First runner-up: The Seattle Times
Second runner-up: San Francisco Examiner
B: Under 250,000 circulation
First place: Los Angeles Daily News
First runner-up: Arkansas Democrat
No second runner-up
Travel Magazine
A: Monthly
First place: American Way
First runner-up: America West Airlines Magazine
Second runner-up: Physicians Travel and Meeting Guide
B: Non-Monthly
First place: National Geographic Traveler
First runner-up: Islands
Second runner-up: Oklahoma Today
Newspaper Article on U.S./Canada Travel
First place: Steve Silk, The Hartford Courant
First runner-up: Robin Fowler, Dallas Times Herald
Second runner-up: Don Frost, Chicago Tribune
Magazine Article on U.S./Canada Travel
First place: Rita Ariyoshi
First runner-up: Bill Ecenbarger, Islands
Second runner-up: Jeff Spurrier, Islands
Newspaper Article on Foreign Travel
First place: Griffin Smith Jr., Arkansas Democrat
First runner-up: Catherine Watson, Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
Second runner-up: Yvette Cardozo and Bill Hirsch
Magazine Article on Foreign Travel
First place: William F. Buckley Jr., National Review
First runner-up: Charles Barnard, Modern Maturity
Second runner-up: Jerry C. Dunn Jr., National Geographic Traveler
Article on Land Travel
First place: Don Dedera, America West Airlines Magazine
First runner-up: Thomas Swick, Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel
Second runner-up: Martin F. Kohn, Detroit Free Press
Article on Marine Travel
First place: John Macdonald, The Seattle Times
First runner-up: Richard Chase, Dallas Times Herald
Second runner-up: Don Dedera, America West Airlines Magazine
Consumer/Investigative Reporting
First place: Jeff Phillips, Sunset Magazine
First runner-up: Ruth Heimbuecher, Pittsburg Press
Second runner-up: Buddy Nevins, Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel
Cultural Tourism Article
First place: Rick Carroll, San Francisco Chronicle
First runner-up: Lil Bibb, Islands
Second runner-up: Mary Lou Nolan, Kansas City Star
Reporting on Economics of Travel
First place: Mark Dorfman, USAir Magazine
First runner-up: Howard Bach, Tribune Review
Second runner-up: Walter Roessing
Travel Book
First place: Richard Bangs and Christian Kallen
First runner-up: Judith Morgan
Second runner-up: Diana C. Gleasner
First place: Ray Riegert
First runner-up: Kay Showker
Second runner-up: Carey Simon and Charlene Marmer Solomon
Black/White Travel Photo
First place: Tom Reese, The Seattle Times
First runner-up: Donald W. George, San Francisco Examiner
No second runner-up
Color Travel Photo
First place: Robert Caputo, National Geographic Traveler
First runner-up: Tom Reese, The Seattle Times
No second runner-up
Destination Travel on TV, Radio or Videocassette
No awards
The Society of American Travel Writers Foundation was begun in 1981 by a group of SATW writers, editors and public relations professionals who were concerned about the future of travel journalism.

SATW (the Society of American Travel Writers) is the pre-eminent professional association of travel journalists and communicators. Learn more about this premier networking organization by visiting its website, www.satw.org.