Faculty members of the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill School of Journalism and Mass Communication judged the competition. There were 1,177 entries. In the following list of winners, numbers in parentheses denote number of entries in the category.
Awards For Works Published in 2013-2014
Category 101: Grand Award — Lowell Thomas Travel Journalist of the Year (37)
Gold: Jill Schensul, senior writer, The Record/North Jersey Media Group
Silver: Skye Mayring, Managing Editor, TravelAge West
Bronze: Brian J. Cantwell, travel writer, The Seattle Times
Honorable Mention: Beth J. Harpaz, Travel Editor, The Associated Press
Category 102: Newspaper Travel Sections (9)
102A — Newspapers with 350,000 or more circulation
Gold: The Washington Post, Joe Yonan, Travel Editor
Silver: Los Angeles Times, Catharine Hamm, Travel Editor
Bronze: Star Tribune (Minneapolis), Kerri Westenberg, Travel Editor
102B — Newspapers under 350,000 circulation
Gold: The Seattle Times, Kristin Jackson, Travel Editor
Silver: San Francisco Chronicle, Spud Hilton, Travel Editor
Bronze: The Record (northern New Jersey), Marc Schwarz, Travel Editor
Category 103: Magazines (18)
103A — Travel Magazines
Gold: Islands, Eddy Patricelli, Editor
Silver: Travel + Leisure, Nancy Novogrod, Editor-in-Chief
Bronze: Afar, Julia Cosgrove, Editor-in-Chief
103B — Travel Coverage in Other Magazines
Gold: Private Clubs, Don Nichols, Editor-in-Chief
Silver: Departures, Richard David Story, Editor-in-Chief
Bronze: Outside, Christopher Keyes, Editor
Category 104: U.S./Canada Travel (116)
Gold: Tony Perrottet, “Houston on the Verge: What Makes This the Next Great American City?” Smithsonian
Silver: Ryan T. Bell, “Mountain Passage,” Western Horseman
Bronze: Chris Colin, “The Rail Thing,” Sunset
Honorable Mention: Andrea Sachs, “A New Rocky Mountain High: Colorado Open for Cannabis Tourism,” The Washington Post
Category 105: Foreign Travel (146)
Gold: Carl Hoffman, “The Big Empty,” National Geographic Traveler
Silver: Scott Wallace, “Over the Horizon,” National Geographic Traveler
Bronze: Lauren Collins, “Albert Adrià: The Legend Continues,” Food & Wine
Honorable Mention: Karen Catchpole, “Selling Pablo,” RoadsandKingdoms.com
Category 106: Photo Illustration of Travel (98)
Gold: Dave Bouskill, “23 Epic Photos of Remarkable Arctic Ice,” ThePlanetD.com
Silver: Gary Arndt, “Visions of Namibia,” Everything-Everywhere.com
Bronze: Jon Whittle, “A Walk in the Falklands,” Islands
Category 107: Special Package/Project (24)
Gold: Jeff Ritter, “The Mexican Golf Course That Survived The Drug War,” Golf Magazine
Silver: Fodor’s Travel staff, “Fodor’s World Cup Fever,” print/online/apps, Arabella Bowen, Editor-in-Chief; Luke Epplin, Brazil Editor; Tina Malaney, Associate Art Director/guides; Sara Swartz, Senior Art Director/digital; Gautam Banerjee, Product Director/apps
Bronze: Liz Beatty, Mei-Ling Hopgood, Renée Restivo, Nina Strochlic and Joe Mozingo, “Going Home,” National Geographic Traveler
Category 108: Cruise Travel (37)
Gold: Kenneth Brower, “The Great White Hope,” National Geographic Traveler
Silver: Spud Hilton, “Exploring Epic Beauty From Alaska’s Coast,” San Francisco Chronicle
Bronze: Glen Petrie, “Sands of Arabia,” Cruise Travel Magazine
Category 109: Adventure Travel (53)
Gold: Bill McAuliffe, “Hitchhiking in a New Age,” Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
Silver: Will Grant, “All the Jittery Horses: Racing the Mongol Derby,” Outside
Bronze: Sarah Rose, “Tune In, Give Up, Ship Out/Escaping the Recession by Boat,” Outside
Honorable Mention: Susan Nerberg, “Welcome to the Jungle,” enRoute
Category 110: Travel News/Investigative Reporting (34)
Gold: Matthew Power, “Blood in the Sand: Killing a Turtle Advocate,” Outside
Silver: McKenzie Funk, “The Zoich Olympics/The Sochi Olympics Are a Five-Ring Mess,” Outside
Bronze: Hannah Sampson, “Overboard Cases Often Not Fully Disclosed,” The Miami Herald
Honorable Mention: Michael Luongo, “Business Rebuilds in a Thriving City in Iraq,” The New York Times
Category 111: Service-Oriented Consumer Work (60)
Gold: Karen Schwartz, “Do Your Research Before Booking a Historic Inn,” The Associated Press
Silver: Jill Schensul, “Euros, Dollars and Sense,” The Record (northern New Jersey)
Bronze: Karin Leperi, “Premium Economy Survey 2013: Is the ‘Something Extra’ Worth the Extra Price?” Global Traveler magazine
Honorable Mention: Andrea Sachs and Becky Krystal, “TSA’s PreCheck Program Expands With More Airports, Airlines,” The Washington Post
Category 112: Environmental Tourism (35)
Gold: Peter Fish, “Howl,” Sunset
Silver: Elisabeth Eaves, “In Mexico, Eco Concerns Where Sea Lions Romp,” The New York Times
Bronze: David Lansing, “Paradise Lost and Found,” National Geographic Traveler
Honorable Mention: Peggy Turbett, “Keeping Company With the Elephants,” The Plain Dealer (Cleveland)
Category 113: Cultural Tourism (101)
Gold: Aatish Taseer, “The Soul of Sri Lanka,” Travel + Leisure
Silver: Pete Bigelow, “The Branch Davidian Compound, 20 Years Later,” Aol Travel
Bronze: Heather Greenwood Davis, “Being Black in China,” National Geographic Intelligent Travel blog
Honorable Mention: Curt Brown, “In Uganda, Faith Endures,” Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
Category 114: Personal Comment (116)
Gold: Tony Perrottet, “Rich Tourist, Poor Tourist,” The New York Times
Silver: Masada Siegel, “World Opens Up Solo,” Jewish Independent
Bronze: Sean Carlson, “The Reach of a Single Village,” The Irish Times
Honorable Mention: Christopher Solomon, “A Case for Getting Far, Far Away,” The New York Times
Category 115: Special-Purpose Travel (101)
Gold: Ken Budd, “Kenya: Holding Elijah,” WeSaidGoTravel.com
Silver: Peter McBride, “The Granny Diaries: On the Trail of a Revolutionary Ancestor in Central Mexico,” National Geographic Traveler
Bronze: Jill Schensul, “Animal Magnetism: From Bugs to Beasts, These Annual Spectacles Are Worthy of a Trip,” The Record (northern New Jersey)
Honorable Mention: Susan MacCallum-Whitcomb, “Field Focus,” Doctor’s Review
Category 116: Short Work on Travel (61)
Gold: Jane Smiley, “Love at First Sight,” Sunset
Silver: Lucas Aykroyd, “Come for the Statues, Stay for the Horses on Easter Island,” The Globe and Mail (Toronto)
Bronze: Paul Rubio, “Secret Saba,” Ocean Home magazine
Honorable Mention: Scott Mayerowitz, “Here, Only Goats Can Prevent Airport Fires,” The Associated Press
Category 117: Travel Book (13)
Gold: Paula Young Lee, “Deer Hunting in Paris: A Memoir of God, Guns and Game Meat,” Travelers’ Tales/Solas House
Silver: Douglas Peebles, “Islands of Wonder: Hawaii the Big Island,” Mutual Publishing
Bronze: James Oseland (editor), “A Fork in the Road: Tales of Food, Pleasure & Discovery on the Road,” Lonely Planet Publications
Honorable Mention: Robert C. Sibley, “The Way of the 88 Temples: Journeys on the Shikoku Pilgrimage,” University of Virginia Press
Category 118: Guidebook (30)
Gold: Jason Cochran, “Frommer’s EasyGuide to Walt Disney World & Orlando,” FrommerMedia
Silver: Kelly E. Carter, “The Dog Lover’s Guide to Travel,” National Geographic Society
Bronze: Shelly Rivoli, “Travels with Baby: The Ultimate Guide for Planning Travel with Your Baby, Toddler, and Preschooler,” Travels With Baby Books
Honorable Mention: Fodor’s Travel staff, “Fodor’s Brazil 2014,” Arabella Bowen, Editor-in-Chief; Luke Epplin, Brazil Editor; Tina Malaney, Associate Art Director/guides
Category 119: Travel Journalism Websites (17)
Gold: Afar.com, Afar Media, Davina Baum, Digital Content Director
Silver: Fest300.com, Fest300: The World’s Best Festivals, Chip Conley, Founder/Editor-in-Chief; Art Gimbel, Co-Founder/Editor-at-Large; Jennye Garibaldi, Executive Editor
Bronze: USAToday.com/Travel, USA Today, Veronica Stoddart, Editor-in-Chief, Travel Media Group; Ben Abramson, Online Travel Editor
Category 120: Travel Broadcast — Audio (15)
Gold: Arthur Frommer, Pauline Frommer, “The Travel Show,” Syndicated broadcast from WOR New York
Silver: Rick Steves, “Travel With Rick Steves: Germany Faux Pas/Authentic Living/Becoming a Road Trip Pilgrim,” Tim Tattan, Executive Producer, public radio and podcast
Bronze: Leslie A. Westbrook, “Art, Drink & Gentrification in the Funk Zone,” (Santa Barbara), KCBX San Luis Obispo/Central California
Honorable Mention: Chris Christensen, “Amateur Traveler: Travel to Flanders in Belgium,” podcast
Category 121: Travel Broadcast — Video (24)
Gold: Bob Krist, “Advent in Salzburg,” National Geographic Intelligent Travel blog
Silver: Glen Abbott, “Secrets Revealed: Nashville’s ‘Music City,’” TheVillageCelebration.com
Bronze: Rudy Maxa, “Rudy Maxa’s World: Food, Drink and Place,” public television
Honorable Mention: Christine van Blokland, “Curious Traveler: Secrets of Grand Central Terminal,” Curious Traveler/Cox Video on Demand
Category 122: Travel Blog (25)
Gold: ThePlanetD.com, Dave Bouskill and Debra Corbeil
Silver: IntelligentTravel.NationalGeographic.com, National Geographic Traveler Digital Team, Keith Bellows, Editor-in-Chief
Bronze: VoyageVixens.com, Lanee Lee and Lindsay Taub
Category 123: Travel App (7)
Gold: Afar Travel Guide mobile app, Afar Media, Davina Baum, Digital Content Director
Silver: Fodor’s Austin City Guide mobile app, Fodor’s Travel, Arabella Bowen, Editor-in-Chief; Gautam Banerjee, Product Director; Linda Schmidt, Managing Editor; David Satz, Director of Content Product Systems
Bronze: USA Today Auto Pilot, USA Today, Krista Nordlund, Vice President, Product and Operations
The Society of American Travel Writers Foundation was begun in 1981 by a group of SATW writers, editors and public relations professionals who were concerned about the future of travel journalism.

SATW (the Society of American Travel Writers) is the pre-eminent professional association of travel journalists and communicators. Learn more about this premier networking organization by visiting its website, www.satw.org.