For the 22nd annual competition, we added a category, Special-Purpose Travel, focused on special interests, such as noncompetitive sports, hobbies, self-improvement or similar ventures.
In the Newspaper Travel Sections category, we now have three circulation divisions, with those up to 349,999 circulation competing in one division. Not enough entries were received to sustain a fourth division for those under 200,000 circulation.
Members of the Missouri School of Journalism faculty, coordinated by Prof. Daryl Moen, judged the contest. There were 1,392 entries. In the following list of winners, numbers in parentheses denote number of entries in that category.
Awards For Works Published in 2005-2006
Category 1: Grand Award — Lowell Thomas Travel Journalist of the Year (37)
Gold: Jane Wooldridge, The Miami Herald
Silver: Carol Pucci, The Seattle Times
Bronze: Millie Ball, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans)
Category 2: Newspaper Travel Sections (27)
2A — Newspapers with 500,000 or more circulation
Gold: The Boston Globe, Douglas M. Warren, Travel Editor
Silver: Los Angeles Times, Catharine Hamm, Travel Editor
Bronze: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Amanda J. Miller, Travel Editor
2B — Newspapers with 350,000-499,999 circulation
Gold: The Miami Herald, Jane Wooldridge, Travel Editor
Silver: The Oregonian (Portland), Sue Hobart, Travel Editor
Bronze: The Globe and Mail (Toronto), Adam Bisby & Karan Smith, Travel Editors
2C — Newspapers under 350,000 circulation
Gold: The Ottawa Citizen, Laura Robin, Travel Editor
Silver: San Jose Mercury News, Linda Zavoral, Travel Editor
Bronze: The Times-Picayune (New Orleans), Millie Ball, Travel Editor
Category 3: Magazines (21)
3A — Travel Magazines
Gold: National Geographic Adventure, John Rasmus, Editor-in-Chief
Silver: National Geographic Traveler, Keith Bellows, Editor
Bronze: Via, Bruce Anderson, Editor
3B — Travel Coverage in Other Magazines
Gold: Bon Appétit, Barbara Fairchild, Editor-in-Chief
Silver: Outside, Leslie Weeden, Travel Editor
Bronze: enRoute, Arjun Basu, Editor-in-Chief
Category 4: Newspaper Article on U.S./Canada Travel (79)
Gold: Catherine Watson, “In Realms of the Spirit,” Los Angeles Times
Silver: Spud Hilton, “Healing New Orleans Getting Its Groove Back,” San Francisco Chronicle
Bronze: Peter Mandel, “Both Sides Now,” The Washington Post
Category 5: Magazine Article on U.S./Canada Travel (66)
Gold: Andrew Nelson, “Why I Went to Boise,” National Geographic Traveler
Silver: Steve Hawk, “Oahu’s New Wave,” Islands
Bronze: Bruce Stockler, “Saved by Sequoias,” Hemispheres
Category 6: Newspaper Article on Foreign Travel (94)
Gold: Harry Shattuck, “India: An Assault on the Senses,” Houston Chronicle
Silver: Howard Shapiro, “Europe in Winter,” The Philadelphia Inquirer
Bronze: Terry Richard, “Game Show,” The Oregonian (Portland)
Category 7: Magazine Article on Foreign Travel (100)
Gold: Donovan Webster, “Footsteps of My Ancestors,” National Geographic Traveler
Silver: Kira Salak, “Rediscovering Libya,” National Geographic Adventure
Bronze: Patrick Symmes, “The Book,” Outside
Category 8: Newspaper Photo Illustration of Travel Article (27)
Gold: Pauline Lubens, “Natural Wonders/Galapagos Gallery,” San Jose Mercury News
Silver: Jamie Francis, “Jackpot Junket,” The Oregonian (Portland)
Bronze: Paul E. Rodriguez, “Train to the Top,” The Orange County Register
Category 9: Magazine Photo Illustration of Travel Article (42)
Gold: Steve McCurry, “Footsteps of My Ancestors,” National Geographic Traveler
Silver: Brown W. Cannon III, “In Living Color,” Virtuoso Life
Bronze: John Huba, “Shanghai,” Town & Country Travel
Category 10: Special Packages/Projects (57)
Gold: Beatriz Terrazas, “The Call of the River,” The Dallas Morning News
Silver: Richard Bangs, “Expedition: Eiger,” Richard Bangs’ Adventures on Yahoo
Bronze: Carol Pucci, “China on Your Own,” The Seattle Times
Category 11: Self-Illustrated Article (88)
Gold: Jill Schensul, “Making Peace With Vietnam,” The Record (Hackensack, NJ)
Silver: Michael DeMocker, “Paris Macabre,” The Times-Picayune (New Orleans)
Bronze: Janet Fullwood, “Red Rock Fever,” The Sacramento Bee
Category 12: Article on Land Travel (46)
Gold: Jamie Elvidge, “Heart of Africa,” Motorcycle Escape
Silver: Brian J. Cantwell, “Wonders Big and Small…,” The Seattle Times
Bronze: Rob Buchanan, “The High Hills of Freedom,” Outside
Category 13: Article on Marine Travel (53)
Gold: Rolf Potts, “Cycladian Rhythm,” Outside Traveler
Silver: Trevor Meers, “Ghosts of the Lakes,” Midwest Living
Bronze: Susan Spano, “New Kid on the Med,” Los Angeles Times
Category 14: Article on Adventure Travel (75)
Gold: Mark Jenkins, “A Short Walk in the Wakhan Corridor,” Outside
Silver: John Flinn, “The Path to Enlightenment,” San Francisco Chronicle
Bronze: Chris Welsch, “Into the Blue,” Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
Category 15: Travel News/Investigative Reporting (33)
Gold: Barbara S. Peterson, “The Great Escape,” Conde Nast Traveler
Silver: Anne Belli, “At Sea and at Risk?” Houston Chronicle
Bronze: Jonathan Tourtellot, “Destination Scorecard: How Do 55 National Park Regions Rate?” National Geographic Traveler
Category 16: Service-Oriented Consumer Article (81)
Gold: Leslie Weeden & contributors, “Best Trips 2006: The Wanderlist,” Outside Traveler
Silver: Jane Wooldridge, “For Deals in a Hurry, Online’s In,” The Miami Herald
Bronze: Michael Kaplan, “Vegas Secrets,” Southwest Airlines Spirit
Category 17: Environmental Tourism Article (38)
Gold: Mark Jenkins, “Bush Bashing,” Outside
Silver: Ken McAlpine, “Galapagos Endangered,” American Way
Bronze: Scott Kirkwood, “Wolf (& Consequence),” National Parks
Category 18: Cultural Tourism Article (100)
Gold: John DeMers, “Crescent City Comeback,” Hemispheres
Silver: Fe Liza Bencosme, “Boogie Noches,” Islands
Bronze: Rudy Maxa, “Thai Takeout,” National Geographic Traveler
Category 19: Personal Comment (108)
Gold: Dai Huynh, “The Things I Left Behind,” Houston Chronicle
Silver: Alison Wright, “Postcard from the Edge,” Yoga Journal
Bronze: Rod Davis, “Remembering New Orleans,” Southwest Airlines Spirit
Category 20: Travel Book (31)
Gold: Joan Tapper & Nik Wheeler, “Island Dreams Caribbean,” Thames & Hudson
Silver: Dave Stamboulis, “Odysseus’ Last Stand,” Sanuk Press
Bronze: Phil Karber, “The Indochina Chronicles,” Marshall Cavendish Editions
Category 21: Guidebook (34)
Gold: Douglas Stallings, Jessica E. Lee, Melissa Klurman, Editors,
“Fodor’s Caribbean 2006,” Fodor’s Travel Publications
Silver: Christopher P. Baker, “Moon Handbooks Costa Rica,” Avalon Travel Publishing
Bronze: Jan Friedman, “Eccentric California,” Bradt Travel Guides
Category 22: Internet Publications/Website (18)
Gold: WorldHum.com, Jim Benning & Michael Yessis, Editors
Silver: LonelyPlanet.com, Helen Souness, Digital Publisher
Bronze: NewYorkology.com, Amy Langfield, Editor
Category 23: Internet Travel Article (37)
Gold: David Plotz, “An American Barbecue Pilgrimage,” Slate
Silver: Jacob Weisberg, “Book Hunting in Britain,” Slate
Bronze: Seth Stevenson, “Should I Move to Amsterdam?” Slate
Category 24: Special-Purpose Travel (100)
Gold: Seth Stevenson, “Baja, Top to Bottom,” Slate
Silver: Eric Pryne, “Welcome to Your Motherland,” The Seattle Times
Bronze: Anthony Cerretani, “Chasing Spirits,” Outside Traveler
The Society of American Travel Writers Foundation was begun in 1981 by a group of SATW writers, editors and public relations professionals who were concerned about the future of travel journalism.

SATW (the Society of American Travel Writers) is the pre-eminent professional association of travel journalists and communicators. Learn more about this premier networking organization by visiting its website, www.satw.org.