Why Donate to the SATW Foundation
From the outside, travel journalism looks like an endless assortment of vacations to Europe or Africa, of cruises that take you to India or Argentina, a road trip that explores the beauty national park or of a world-famous landmark. Those who write must enjoy a sort of endless summer.
Those who practice the craft probably would try to dissuade you of that notion and persuade you that hard work in beautiful places is still hard work.
Certainly, vacation and relaxation are worthy goals, especially in these times. And, of course, a travel journalist wants to tell you how to best spend your most precious assets: time and money.
But after having spent most of my career as a travel journalist, I can also say that neither my colleagues nor I dwell in the “poetry department,” as one of my publishers once described it.
Rather, it is exacting work that is equal parts adventure and what might be called “accidental education,” those experiences that make you smarter and sometimes leave you smarting.
Travel journalism today also embraces a broader goal that includes offering new perspectives on our ever-changing world and the people who inhabit it.
Bridging gaps in knowledge and dispelling misconceptions are increasingly important in furthering understanding.
That is why we are asking you to donate to SATW Foundation.
Each year, the Foundation awards more than $25,000 in prize money to journalists who enhance our knowledge of all aspects of travel. Take a look at the 2022 winners: The breadth and depth of the work is breathtaking.
The Foundation’s goal is to “support, celebrate and sustain excellence in travel journalism” — travel journalism that builds bridges and opens the world to anyone who seeks a broader perspective.
Your contribution helps break down barriers and build a new understanding of the world in all its magnificence.
This year we are running a special 40th anniversary campaign with the goal of raising awareness and a total of $40,000 in addition to our normal operating budget. Please see the information here and consider a special contribution this year.
We invite you to join us.
Catharine Hamm, President, SATW Foundation
How to Donate to the SATW Foundation
The SATW Foundation sponsors the annual Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism Competition, each year honoring outstanding work. The Foundation evaluates the contest’s categories to ensure they reflect the changing media environment. Whether the work is print, blog, book, video, audio, photography, social media, investigative or health articles, stories that focus on culture and diversity, they share a common value: They contain trustworthy information that adheres to professional standards and is created with the reader in mind.
To fund the competition, the nonprofit Foundation relies on contributions, which are tax-deductible as noted below. The Foundation operates through contributions from individuals, companies and other entities. Gifts also may be given to honor business associates and friends.
Contributions may be mailed to the Foundation administrator or use PayPal below:
Victoria Larson
SATWF Administrator
501 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2108
New York, NY 10017
Direct inquiries to Foundation administrator, Victoria Larson via email: victoria@satwf.com.
The Donate button below will take you to PayPal to make a donation of any amount to the SATW Foundation using a credit card or PayPal account.
The Foundation is tax-exempt under Section 501 [c] [3] of the Internal Revenue Service Code; all contributions are deductible under Section 170 [c] of that code.
Read this letter from Catharine Hamm, SATW Foundation Board Member and Past President of the Society of American Travel Writers.

Society of American Travel Writers Foundation TOP SUPPORTERS
In this ever-morphing world of communications, vibrant branding has become ever more critical for travel destinations and providers. Affiliating with the venerated Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism Awards is a signpost to consumers, competitors and colleagues that your organization supports the highest standards for yourself and others. Being a Top Supporter shows solid backing for the recognition of high-caliber travel journalism, helping to increase the quantity, as well as quality, of print, broadcast and social media space and time devoted to the travel industry’s products.
Now more than 40 years old, the Foundation’s annual competition honors the best each year in writing, multimedia presentation and visual communication in travel journalism. Unlike some other competitions, the Lowell Thomas contest is judged independently by leading communications schools, who sift through submissions from hundreds of U.S. journalists whose work has appeared that year in top U.S. magazines, newspapers and e-publications.
We have three levels of Top Supporters:
Annual contribution of $40,000 for three years ($120,000), or $50,000 for one year.
Annual contribution of $20,000 for three years ($60,000), or $25,000 for one year.
Annual contribution of $5,000 for three years ($15,000).

Gold Supporter
The sustainability of the annual SATW Foundation Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism Competition is supported by a generous contribution from Gold Supporter, CARNIVAL CORP., the world’s largest cruise company. Its portfolio of cruise brands includes Carnival Cruise Line, Cunard, Holland America Line, Princess Cruises and Seabourn. Dedicated to annually providing great vacations to millions of passengers, the brands sail more than 90 ships to over 700 ports worldwide. The CARNIVAL CORP. contribution helps make the competition monetary prizes possible and supports the future of high-quality travel media.
Silver and Bronze Supporter levels are available
We welcome inquiries from travel organizations, companies and individuals. We can work with you on an individualized plan of support. Please contact Catharine Hamm , SATW Foundation president, catharine@catharinehamm.com for further information.
The 40-40 Campaign
Saluting Our ‘40 Partners for 40 Years’
In 2024, the SATW Foundation celebrates the 40th anniversary of its prestigious Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism Competition. For another 40 years and more, we aim to continue fulfilling our mission to support, celebrate and sustain excellence in travel journalism that serves the public.
Annually the SATW Foundation awards more than $25,000 in prize money to journalists for outstanding work in travel journalism. We raise this money through donations, which are tax-deductible.
In celebration of our 40th anniversary and to help ensure the future of the Lowell Thomas Awards, we launched a “40 Partners for 40 Years” campaign, seeking 40 Partners to give $1,000 each. All donations went toward funding the Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism Competition.
We are pleased to recognize the following individuals, companies and groups for becoming 40-40 Partners in support of the annual competition. The Foundation Board of Directors expresses sincere appreciation to each donor.
Thank You to Our Partners for Sustaining Excellence in Travel Journalism.