For the 14th annual competition in 1998, we had new judges, faculty members at the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications, with Dr. William McKeen as coordinator. University of Florida continued the judging through 2002.
Awards For Works Published in 1997
Category 1: Grand Award — Lowell Thomas Travel Journalist of the Year
Gold: Alan Solomon, Chicago Tribune
Silver: Peter Guttman, freelance travel journalist
Bronze: (tie)
Christopher Reynolds, Los Angeles Times
Jill Schensul, The Record (Hackensack, NJ)
Category 2: Newspaper Travel Sections
2A — Newspapers with 500,000 or more circulation
Gold: Chicago Tribune, Randy Curwen, Travel Editor
Silver: The Dallas Morning News, Karen Jordan, Travel Editor
Bronze: The Seattle Times, John Macdonald, Travel Editor
2B — Newspapers with 350,000-499,999 Circulation
Gold: The Orange County (CA) Register, Gary Warner, Travel Editor
Silver: Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Richard Haddaway, Travel Editor
Bronze: Sunday Oregonian, Sue Hobart, Travel Editor
2C — Newspapers with less than 350,000 Circulation
Gold: The Record (Hackensack, NJ), Jill Schensul, Travel Editor
Silver: Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL), Katherine Rodeghier, Travel Editor
Bronze: Kansas City Star, Mary Lou Nolan, Travel Editor
Category 3: Travel Magazines
3A — Monthly or more frequent
Gold: Arizona Highways, Robert J. Early, Editor
Silver: Westways, Susan LaTempa, Editor-in-Chief
Bronze: Attaché, Jay Heinrichs, Editor
3B — Non-monthly
Gold: Islands, Joan Tapper, Editor-in-Chief
Silver: Travel Holiday, John Owens, Editor-in-Chief
Bronze: National Geographic Traveler, Richard Busch, Editor
Category 4: Newspaper Article on U.S./Canada Travel
Gold: Carol Rust, “Down at the DQ,” Houston Chronicle “Down at the DQ”
Silver: Robert Strauss, “Honolulu Mommas,” Chicago Tribune “Honolulu Mommas”
Bronze: Alan Solomon, “Wandering Indiana,” Chicago Tribune
Category 5: Magazine Article on U.S/Canada Travel
Gold: Dan Baum, “Butte, America,” American Heritage
Silver: Robert Baird, “Mississippi’s Got the Blues,” Historic Traveler
Bronze: Tony Reichhardt, “Death and Life of Stonewall Jackson,” Historic Traveler
Category 6: Newspaper Article on Foreign Travel
Gold: Marty Racine, “Tarahumara: Life on Their Terms,” Houston Chronicle
Silver: Christopher Reynolds, “Forbidden Cuba,” Los Angeles Times
Bronze: Alan Solomon, “The Joy of Scotland,” Chicago Tribune
Category 7: Magazine Article on Foreign Travel
Gold: Richard Busch, “The Fairest Cape,” National Geographic Traveler “The Fairest Cape”
Silver: Bob Payne, “Belize,” Islands
Bronze: Jolee Edmondson, “The Making of a Tourist Destination,” Sky
Category 8: Newspaper Photo Illustration of Travel Article
Gold: Bruce C. Strong, “Cuba: Island of Irony,” The Orange County (CA) Register
Silver: Christopher Reynolds, “Portugal: It’s Madeira, M’Dear,” Los Angeles Times
Bronze: Jill Schensul, “Now This Is Camp,” The Record (Hackensack, NJ)
Category 9: Magazine Photo Illustration of Travel Article
Gold: Thomas Santalab, “The World in Vancouver,” Dynasty
Silver: Gary Ladd, “Time Sculptures,” Arizona Highways
Bronze: Robert Holmes, “Chili Kingdom,” Travel Holiday
Category 10: Self-Illustrated Article
Gold: Nancy Jo Johnson, “Out of Tibet,” Life
Silver: Jill Schensul, “Getting Lost in America,” The Record (Hackensack, NJ)
Bronze: Ron Wurzer, “Beirut Without Bullets,” The Seattle Times
Category 11: Article on Land Travel
Gold: Alan Solomon, “Wandering Indiana,” Chicago Tribune
Silver: Sherry Stripling, “Saddle Sore,” The Seattle Times
Bronze: Kathryn Jones, “Slipping In and Out of Mexico,” The New York Times
Category 12: Article on Marine Travel
Gold: Alison DaRosa, “In Your Dreams,” San Diego Union-Tribune
Silver: Neal Matthews, “South Pole Safari,” Travel Holiday
Bronze: Heidi Johnson-Wright and Steve Wright, “Caribbean Cruise With the Wheelchair-bound,” San Francisco Sunday Examiner and Chronicle
Category 13: Article on Adventure Travel
Gold: Willie Weir, “Spoke Songs,” The Seattle Times
Silver: Donna Rosenthal, “Africa’s Best-Kept Secret,” Journeys
Bronze: Yvette Cardozo and Bill Hirsch, “Trolling for Whales at the Arctic Circle,” Sport Diver
Category 14: Travel News/Investigative Reporting
Gold: Christopher Reynolds, “Forbidden Cuba,” Los Angeles Times
Silver: Gary Warner, “Learning to Travel with El Nino,” The Orange County (CA) Register
Bronze: Karen Karbo, “Stopping to Smell the Luggage,” Avenues
Category 15: Service-oriented Consumer Article
Gold: Candyce Stapen, Kim Wright Wiley, Ed Kohn, “Floating Holidays,” Family Fun
Silver: Lois Madison Reamy, “Roll Out the Carry-Ons,” Institutional Investor
Bronze: Everett Potter, “How to Book an Adventure Vacation,” Diversion
Category 16: Environmental Tourism Article
Gold: Michael DiLeo, “The Undoing of a Dam,” American Way
Silver: Matthew Jaffe, “Secrets of the Rain Forest,” Sunset
Bronze: Alan Solomon, “Workers Compensation,” Chicago Tribune Magazine
Category 17: Cultural Tourism Article
Gold: (tie) Jim Molnar, “Grail Quest,” The Seattle Times Paula Bock, “A Land of War, A Journey of the Heart,” The Seattle Times
Silver: Kelly Simon, “The Soul’s Send-Off,” Grand Tour
Bronze: Tony Perrottet, “Zanzibar,” Islands
Category 18: Travel Book
Gold: Jeffrey Becom and Sally Jean Aberg, “Maya Color — The Painted Villages of Mesoamerica,” Abbeville Press
Silver: David Noland, “Travels Along the Edge,” Vintage Departures
Bronze: Gary Ferguson, “The Sylvan Path,” St. Martin’s Press
Honorable Mention: Charles Hillinger, “Charles Hillinger’s America,” Capra Press
Category 19: Guidebook
Gold: Pamela Bloom, “Amazon Up Close,” Hunter Publishing
Silver: Richard Mahler, “New Mexico’s Best,” Fulcrum Publishing
Bronze: Eleanor Berman, “Traveling Solo: Advice and Ideas for More Than 250 Great Vacations,” Globe Pequot Press
Category 20: Destination Travel Using Film, Video, Audio or Combination
Gold: Peter Guttman, “Malaysia/Gourmet Getaways,” Television Food Network
Silver: Ron Bernthal, “Borders,” WJFF-FM
Bronze: No award
Category 21: Electronic Media — Internet
Gold: Microsoft’s Expedia.com, Mary Ord, Executive Producer
Silver: Salon Wanderlust, Donald George, Editor
Bronze: Paul Lucas, “There in Spirit,” Epicurious.com
The Society of American Travel Writers Foundation was begun in 1981 by a group of SATW writers, editors and public relations professionals who were concerned about the future of travel journalism.

SATW (the Society of American Travel Writers) is the pre-eminent professional association of travel journalists and communicators. Learn more about this premier networking organization by visiting its website, www.satw.org.