Entries were judged by faculty members at the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University, with Prof. Abe Peck as coordinator.
Awards For Works Published in 1996
Category 1: Grand Award — Lowell Thomas Travel Journalist of the Year
Gold: Christopher Reynolds, Los Angeles Times
Silver: Jill Schensul, The Record (Hackensack, NJ)
Bronze: Chris Welsch, Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
Category 2: Newspaper Travel Sections
2A — Newspapers with 500,000 or more circulation
Gold: The Boston Globe
Silver: Chicago Tribune
Bronze: The Dallas Morning News
2B — Newspapers with 350,000-499,999 Circulation
Gold: The St. Petersburg Times (FL)
Silver: Sunday Oregonian
Bronze: Rocky Mountain News (Denver)
2C — Newspapers with less than 350,000 Circulation
Gold: Contra Costa (CA) Times
Silver: The Globe and Mail (Toronto)
Bronze: Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Category 3: Travel Magazines
3A — Monthly or more frequent
Gold: Sky
Silver: Hemispheres
Bronze: Arizona Highways
3B — Non-monthly
Gold: National Geographic Traveler
Silver: Travel Holiday
Bronze: American Way
Category 4: Newspaper Article on U.S./Canada Travel
Gold: Robert Krier, San Diego Union-Tribune
Silver: Catherine Watson, Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
Bronze: Alan Solomon, Chicago Tribune
Category 5: Magazine Article on U.S/Canada Travel
Gold: Jason Wilson, Grand Tour
Silver: David Butwin, Hemispheres
Bronze: Gretel Ehrlich, Islands
Category 6: Newspaper Article on Foreign Travel
Gold: Catherine Watson, Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
Silver: Chris Welsch, Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
Bronze: Jill Schensul, The Record (Hackensack, NJ)
Category 7: Magazine Article on Foreign Travel
Gold: Robert Draper, American Way
Silver: Rita Ariyoshi, World & I
Bronze: Jason Wilson, Grand Tour
Category 8: Newspaper Color Photo Illustration of Travel Article
Gold: Patrick Davison, Rocky Mountain News (Denver)
Silver: Catherine Watson, Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
Bronze: Jill Schensul, The Record (Hackensack, NJ)
Category 9: Magazine Color Photo Illustration of Travel Article
Gold: Gary Ladd, Arizona Highways
Silver: D. A. Harvey, National Geographic Traveler
Bronze: Catherine Karnow, Islands
Category 10: Self-Illustrated Article
Gold: Yvette Cardozo and Bill Hirsch, Relax
Silver: Teri Sforza, The Orange County (CA) Register
Bronze: Bill Sharpsteen, Westways
Category 11: Article on Land Travel
Gold: Robert Draper, American Way
Silver: Terry Jackson, The Miami Herald
Bronze: Lori Erickson, Westways
Category 12: Article on Marine Travel
Gold: Catherine Watson, Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
Silver: Rob Laymon, Grand Tour
Bronze: Catherine Watson, Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
Category 13: Article on Adventure Travel
Gold: Jill Schensul, The Record (Hackensack, NJ)
Silver: Peter Heller, America West
Bronze: Catherine Watson, Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
Category 14: Travel News/Investigative Reporting
Gold: Gary Stoller, Conde Nast Traveler
Silver: Donna Rosenthal, International Wildlife
Bronze: Stephen Benz, Grand Tour
Category 15: Service-oriented Consumer Article
Gold: Jill Schensul, The Record (Hackensack, NJ)
Silver: Bill Marsano, Hemispheres
Bronze: Kristin Jackson, The Seattle Times
Category 16: Environmental Tourism Article
Gold: Jeff Phillips, Sunset
Silver: Christopher Baker, World & I
Bronze: Stephen Benz, Grand Tour
Category 17: Cultural Tourism Article
Gold: Janet Forman, Diversion
Silver: Andy Yale, Islands
Bronze: Yvette Cardozo and Bill Hirsch, Relax
Category 18: Travel Book
Gold: Jeff Greenwald, “Shopping for Buddhas,” Lonely Planet Publications
Silver: Richard Sterling, “Travelers’ Tales: Food — A Taste of the Road,” Travelers’ Tales Inc.
Bronze: Christopher Hunt, “Sparring with Charlie: Motorbiking Down the Ho Chi Minh Trail,” Bantam/Doubleday/Deli Publishing Group Inc.
Category 19: Guidebook
Gold: Carl Parkes, “Thailand Handbook,” Moon Publications Inc.
Silver: Pamela Bloom, “Brazil Up Close,” Hunter Publishing
Bronze: Andrew Collins, “Fodor’s Gay Guide to the USA,” Fodor’s Travel Publications
Category 20: Destination Travel Using Film, Video, Audio or Combination
Gold: Rod Starns, Jonathan Epstein and Gary Blankenship, “Waltz Across Tennessee,” WMC-TV, Memphis, TN
Silver: Sherilyn Mentes, “South Africa: A Personal View,” Mentor Productions
Bronze: Amy Atkinson, “Pictures of Paradise: The U.S. Virgin Islands,” NBC “Today Show”
Category 21: Electronic Computer Media
Gold: Jonathan Tabak, Ellen Dunne, Chris Howard, “About New Orleans,” Preview Travel
Silver: Lee Foster, Stories of Galapagos, Costa Rica and the Florida Keys, Travelocity Worldview Systems
Bronze: Mike Cuenca, “Raucous Rascals Make Themselves at Home on Monterey Bay,” Cuenca website
The Society of American Travel Writers Foundation was begun in 1981 by a group of SATW writers, editors and public relations professionals who were concerned about the future of travel journalism.

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