With the 16th annual competition, the SATW Foundation added a $250 prize for the Bronze place in the Grand Award category. Entries were judged by faculty members at the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications, with Prof. William McKeen as coordinator.
Awards For Works Published in 1999
Category 1: Grand Award — Lowell Thomas Travel Journalist of the Year
Gold: Peter Guttman, author-photographer, New York City
Silver: Robert Cross, Chicago Tribune
Bronze: Alan Solomon, Chicago Tribune
Category 2: Newspaper Travel Sections
2A — Newspapers with 500,000 or more circulation
Gold: The Sun (Baltimore), Kim Marcum, Features/Travel Editor
Silver: Chicago Tribune, Randy Curwen, Travel Editor
Bronze: The Plain Dealer (Cleveland), David Molyneaux, Travel Editor
2B — Newspapers with 350,000-499,999 circulation
Gold: St. Petersburg Times, Robert Jenkins, Travel Editor
Silver: The Miami Herald, Jane Wooldridge, Travel Editor
Bronze: San Antonio Express-News, Julie Cooper, Travel Editor
2C — Newspapers with 200,000-349,999 circulation
Gold: Los Angeles Daily News, Eric Noland, Travel Editor
Silver: Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Libby Smith, Travel Editor
Bronze: The Times-Picayune (New Orleans), Millie Ball, Travel Editor
Category 3: Travel Magazines
3A — Monthly or more frequent
Gold: Hemispheres (United Airlines magazine), Randy Johnson, Editor
Silver: Southwest Airlines Spirit, John Clark, Editorial Director
Bronze: American Way, Elaine Srnka, Executive Editor
3B — Less than monthly
Gold (tie): National Geographic Traveler, Keith Bellows, Editor
Gold (tie): Caribbean Travel & Life, Bob Morris, Editor
Bronze: Islands, Joan Tapper, Editor-in-Chief
Category 4: Newspaper Article on U.S./Canada Travel
Gold: Mim Swartz, “Pathway to the Prize,” The Rocky Mountain News
Silver: Mike Tidwell, “On the Bayou,” The Washington Post
Bronze: Betsa Marsh, “San Antonio Garage Flush with Toilet Seat Art,” Cincinnati Enquirer
Honorable Mention: Foster Church, “Traveling with Frank Lloyd Wright,” The Oregonian (Portland)
Category 5: Magazine Article on U.S./Canada Travel
Gold: Bruce Edward Hall, “Chinatown,” American Heritage
Silver: Florence Williams, “The Big Easy Goodbye,” Travel Holiday
Bronze: Charles Lockwood, “Baedeker’s United States,” Hemispheres
Honorable Mention: Kristina Malsberger, “The Accidental Tour Guide,” Via
Category 6: Newspaper Article on Foreign Travel
Gold: Chris Welsch, “African Time,” Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
Silver: Catherine Watson, “The New Face of Beirut,” Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
Bronze: Todd Ackerman, “Return to a Lost Civilization,” Houston Chronicle
Category 7: Magazine Article on Foreign Travel
Gold: Nina Ascoly and Bart Plantenga, “The Dutch Door to America,” American Heritage
Silver: Michael Kaplan, “Cold Comfort,” American Way
Bronze: Adam Hochschild, “South India Paradox,” San Francisco Examiner magazine
Category 8: Newspaper Photo Illustration of Travel Article
Gold: Joey Ivansco, “Wondrous Lights, Wild Nights,” The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Silver: Nancy Stone, “London in Winter,” Chicago Tribune
Bronze: Bill Hogan, “Third Man’s Vienna — on the Run with Harry Lime,” Chicago Tribune
Category 9: Magazine Photo Illustration of Travel Article
Gold: Richard Robinson, “The Old Man and the Keys,” Southwest Airlines Spirit
Silver: Catherine Karnow, “Ferry Tales,” Islands
Bronze: Michael Furtman, “The Boundary Waters,” Sky
Category 10: Special Packages/Projects
Gold: Houston Chronicle, “Texas Treasures,” Harry Shattuck, Travel Editor
Silver: The Rocky Mountain News, “Traveling the Century,” Mim Swartz, Travel Editor
Bronze: The Times-Picayune (New Orleans), “The Invisible Wall: Germany 10 years Later,” Jim Amoss writer, Ted Jackson photographer
Category 11: Self-Illustrated Article
Gold: Michael Kitada, “In Search of a Lost Legacy,” The Orange County (CA) Register
Silver: Dave Yoder, “Capturing the Wild Cheetah,” The Orange County (CA) Register
Bronze: Chris Welsch, “African Time,” Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
Category 12: Article on Land Travel
Gold: Ted Fishman, “Chasing the Mississippi,” Travel Holiday
Silver: Ken McAlpine, “Go Wild,” American Way
Bronze: Chris Welsch, “Dog Days of Winter,” Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
Category 13: Article on Marine Travel
Gold: Karin Winegar, “A Dream of a Ship,” Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
Silver: Mary Ann Hemphill, “The Gorge-ous Yangtze,” Arkansas Democrat Gazette
Bronze: Robert N. Jenkins, “Sailing into the Past,” St. Petersburg Times
Category 14: Article on Adventure Travel
Gold: Barbara Wilson, “Epiphany at Joshua Tree,” Salon
Silver: Peter Heller, “High Lonesome,” America West
Bronze: Laurie Robinson, “Three Sisters and a Dog,” The Oregonian (Portland)
Category 15: Travel News/Investigative Reporting
Gold: Gary Stoller, “When the Bow Breaks,” USA Today
Silver: Jill Schensul, “Learning the Hard Way,” The Record (Hackensack, NJ)
Bronze: Dan Koeppel, “Prescriptions to Go,” Travel Holiday
Category 16: Service-Oriented Consumer Article
Gold: Alan Solomon, “London X 4,” Chicago Tribune
Silver: Mike Michaelson, “Great Off-Peak Travel Deals,” Consumers Digest
Bronze: Gary Stoller, “Fares Online: Deals or Duds,” USA Today
Category 17: Environmental Tourism Article
Gold: Jonathan B. Tourtellot, “Two Faces of Tourism,” National Geographic Traveler
Silver: Dan Koeppel, “Phantom of the Jungle,” Travel Holiday
Bronze: Neena Pellegrini, “Wild Survival,” The Seattle Times
Category 18: Cultural Tourism Article
Gold: Alison DaRosa, “Ancient Art Reborn,” San Diego Union-Tribune
Silver: Rich Beattie, “Borneo to Be Wild,” Travel Holiday
Bronze: Frank Browning, “A Bittersweet Saga in Sicily,” Salon
Category 19: Personal Comment
Gold: Cassandra M. Vanhooser, “The Price of Freedom,” Southern Living
Silver: Andrea Hanis, “Safe, Not Sorry, Is Good, But Live Life to Fullest,” Chicago Sun-Times
Bronze: Marc Ramirez, “In Iceland, Puffins Make a Darling Little Dinner,” The Seattle Times
Category 20: Travel Book
Gold: Richard Bangs, “The Lost River,” Sierra Club Books
Silver: Joseph Yogerst, “Long Road South: The Pan American Highway,” National Geographic Books
Bronze: Joseph Dispenza, “The Way of the Traveler,” John Muir Publications
Category 21: Guidebook
Gold: Don and Betty Martin, “San Diego: The Best of Sunshine City,” Pine Cone Press
Silver: Jennifer Watson and Dave Marx, “Passporter: Walt Disney World,” Spread the Word Press
Bronze: Donna Freedman, “City Smart Anchorage,” John Muir Publications
Category 22: Internet Publication/Website
Gold: Expedia.com
Silver: LonelyPlanet.com, Tony Wheeler, Founder and Publisher
Bronze: Foster Travel Publishing, Lee Foster, Editor
Category 23: Internet Travel Article
Gold: Robert L. Strauss, “My Jewish Roots in Germany,” Salon.com
Silver: Richard Bangs, “Adventure Travel as Aphrodisiac,” MSNBC.com
Bronze: Candyce H. Stapen, “Web Travel Resources for Planning,” USA Weekend.com
The Society of American Travel Writers Foundation was begun in 1981 by a group of SATW writers, editors and public relations professionals who were concerned about the future of travel journalism.

SATW (the Society of American Travel Writers) is the pre-eminent professional association of travel journalists and communicators. Learn more about this premier networking organization by visiting its website, www.satw.org.