The ninth annual competition had the same categories as the previous year, in which the list was expanded to 21 categories, or 23 counting the subcategories in newspaper travel sections and travel magazines. This year, the winner designations were changed to Gold for first place, Silver for second and Bronze for third.
Monetary awards remained the same: $1,000 to the Travel Journalist of the Year and $500 to Silver place, with $500 to Gold winners in other categories but no monetary prize in newspaper section and magazine categories.
The Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University handled the judging, with Prof. Abe Peck as coordinator
Awards For Works Published in 1992
Category 1: Grand Award — Lowell Thomas Travel Journalist of the Year
First place: Jim Molnar, The Seattle Times
First runner-up (Silver): Bill Marsano, Conde Nast Traveler and Martha Stewart Living
Second runner-up (Bronze): Catherine Watson, Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
Category 2: Newspaper Travel Section
2A — More than 250,000 circulation
Gold: Los Angeles Times
Silver: Chicago Sun-Times
Bronze: The Seattle Times
2B — Under 250,000 circulation
Gold: Daily News of Los Angeles
Silver: Washington Times
Bronze: Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Category 3: Travel Magazine
3A: Monthly
Gold: Travel & Leisure
Silver: Travel Holiday
Bronze: Arizona Highways
3B: Non-monthly
Gold: Islands
Silver: National Geographic Traveler
Bronze: Caribbean Travel & Life
Category 4: Newspaper Article on U.S./Canada Travel
Gold: Bill Dietrich, “Islands of Sanctuary,” The Seattle Times
Silver: Wendy Roth and Michael Tompane, “Wilderness Challenge,” Universal Press Syndicate/Albany Sun-Times Union
Bronze: Jack Schnedler, “Making a Fast March Through the Civil War,” Chicago Sun-Times
Category 5: Magazine Article on U.S./Canada Travel
Gold: William Ecenbarger, “Long Island,” Islands
Silver: Mike Steere, “The Other Rockies,” Travel Holiday
Bronze: Paul Burka, “The Last Frontier,” Travel Holiday
Category 6: Newspaper Article on Foreign Travel
Gold: Lauren Goldman Marshall, “A Day in the Life of Jerusalem,” San Francisco Examiner
Silver: Dorothy Storck, “Seeking the Soul of the New Russia,” Chicago Sun-Times
Bronze: Mary Ellen Botter, “Travels with Mom,” The Dallas Morning New
Category 7: Magazine Article on Foreign Travel
Gold: Lawrence Millman, “The Friendly Isles of Tonga,” Islands
Silver: Tim Cahill, “No Cannibal Jokes, Please,” Outside
Bronze: Amy Godine, “Country Roads,” Caribbean Travel & Life
Category 8: Newspaper Photo Illustration of Travel, Black/white
Gold: Marjorie Rice, “Riding the Rails of Europe,” San Francisco Examiner
Silver: Marjorie Rice, “The Fanciful Fountains of Villa d’Este,” San Francisco Examiner
Bronze: John Elkins, “New Zealand Cyclists Add Glacier Walk to Adventure List,” The Denver Post
Category 9: Magazine Photo Illustration of Travel, Black/white
Gold: Dennis Marsico, “Winter in Tuscany,” Travel Holiday
Silver: Karen Kuehn, “Miami Moderne,” Travel Holiday
Bronze: Jill Enfield, “When the River Was a Highway,” Endless Vacation
Category 10: Newspaper Photo Illustration of Travel, Color
Gold: Susan Stocker, “Stolen Moments,” Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel
Silver: John Livzey, “And Access for All,” Universal Press Syndicate/Colorado Gazette
Bronze: Dave Bartruff, “Celebrating the Human Family,” San Francisco Examiner
Category 11: Magazine Photo Illustration of Travel, Color
Gold: Jeffrey Aaronson, “Athens Sojourn,” National Geographic Traveler
Silver: Sharon Guynup and Steve Winter, “Turkish Delight,” Travel Holiday
Bronze: David Chalk, “A Nation of Courthouses,” Travel Holiday
Category 12: Self-Illustrated Article (photos and story by one person)
Gold: Dave G. Houser, “Oil and Water,” Hot Nouveau
Silver: Christopher P. Baker, “Blooming Lovely,” Sawasdee
Bronze: Catherine Watson, “Gambling in the Rockies,” Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
Category 13: Article on Land Travel
Gold: Christopher Reynolds, “What a Long, Strange Drive It’s Been,” Los Angeles Times
Silver: Jeremy Schmidt, “Along the John Muir Trail,” National Geographic Traveler
Bronze: Bill Marsano, “By Maserati Across Italy,” Conde Nast Traveler
Category 14: Article on Marine Travel
Gold: Dara Sobel, “Total Recall,” Travel Holiday
Silver: Thomas Swick, “Passenger’s Log,” Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel
Bronze: Jessica Mitford, “Sea Worthies,” Travel Holiday
Category 15: Article on Adventure Travel
Gold: Chip Brown, “Eternal Bliss or Bust,” Outside
Silver: Deborah L. Jacobs, “The Underwater World of Sulawesi,” The New York Times
Bronze: Richard Bangs, “Pedaling Through a Japanese Paradox,” Trilogy
Category 16: Travel News/Investigative Reporting
Gold: Fred Schulte, “Destination in Doubt: Florida’s Tourist Trap,” Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel
Silver: Ted Gup, “Last Resort,” The Washington Post
Bronze: Jeff Phillips, “Treasure and Troubles of the Sierra Nevada,” Sunset
Category 17: Service-Oriented Consumer Article
Gold: Alston Chase and Debra Shore, “Our National Parks: An Uncommon Guide,” Outside
Silver: William Ecenbarger, “Sky Cops,” Philadelphia Inquirer
Bronze: Jim Molnar, “The Eye of the Beholder,” The Seattle Times
Category 18: Environmental/Cultural Tourism Article
Gold: Kenneth Brower, “St. John: Island in the Sun,” National Geographic Traveler
Silver: Carol McCabe, “Singapore’s Glorious Table,” Islands
Bronze: Joe Rada, “Eagles Dare,” Southern Living
Category 19: Travel Book
Gold: Joseph R. Yogerst, “Land of the Nine Dragons: Vietnam Today”
Silver: Peter Canby, “The Heart of the Sky: Travels Among the Maya”
Bronze: Allan Seiden, “Hawaii: The Royal Legacy”
Category 20: Guidebook
Gold: Rob Rachowiecki, “Costa Rica: A Travel Survival Kit”
Silver: Marael Johnson, “Outback Australia Handbook”
Bronze: Chelle Koster Walton, “Caribbean Ways: A Cultural Guide”
Category 21: Destination Travel on TV, Radio, Video or any Combination
Gold: Francis Reidelberger, “Tahiti & Fiji!” Worldwide Travel Films
Silver: Kit Kittle, “Bonaire”
Bronze: Paul Lasley, Elizabeth Harryman, Dan Formento, “On California”
The Society of American Travel Writers Foundation was begun in 1981 by a group of SATW writers, editors and public relations professionals who were concerned about the future of travel journalism.

SATW (the Society of American Travel Writers) is the pre-eminent professional association of travel journalists and communicators. Learn more about this premier networking organization by visiting its website, www.satw.org.