The 10th annual competition had a few adjustments in categories and for the first time began recognizing work done in electronic media.
The Newspaper Travel Section category now had three subdivisions of circulation: more than 500,000, 350,000-499,999 and under 350,000 circulation. In competition for black-and-white photography, the newspaper and magazine categories were combined into one for both media. Environmental Tourism coverage was split from Cultural Tourism, with separate categories for each.
The new category, pushing the list to 22, was called “Electronic Computer Media,” in retrospect a rather strange name, but this was all new at the time. It was defined as “Travel writing and/or photography produced for the consumer by entrant using online database, computer disk, CD-ROM or similar venue.”
Monetary awards remained the same: $1,000 to the Travel Journalist of the Year and $500 to Silver place, with $500 to Gold winners in other categories but no monetary prize in newspaper section and magazine categories.
The Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University handled the judging, with Prof. Abe Peck ascoordinator.
Awards For Works Published in 1993
Category 1: Grand Award — Lowell Thomas Travel Journalist of the Year
Gold: Jack Schnedler, Chicago Sun-Times
Silver: Lee Foster, freelance writer, multimedia including online and CDs
Bronze: Millie Ball, Times-Picayune (New Orleans)
Category 2: Newspaper Travel Section
2A — Newspapers with 500,000 or more circulation
Gold: Los Angeles Times
Silver: The Dallas Morning News
Bronze: Chicago Sun-Times
2B — Newspapers with 350,000-499,999 circulation
Gold: Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Silver: The Oregonian (Portland)
Bronze: The Orange County (CA) Register
2C — Newspapers with less than 350,000 circulation
Gold: Times-Picayune (New Orleans)
Silver: Daily News of Los Angeles
Bronze: Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Category 3: Travel Magazine
3A — Monthly
Gold: Michigan Living
Silver: Sky
Bronze: Arizona Highways
3B — Non-monthly
Gold: Travel Holiday
Silver: National Geographic Traveler
Bronze: Islands
Category 4: Newspaper Article on U.S./Canada Travel
Gold: Alison DaRosa, “Oregon: Exploring the Rugged Beauty and the Awesome Serenity of the Coast in Winter,” San Diego-Union Tribune
Silver: Jayne Clark, “Southwest Passage,” Daily News of Los Angeles
Bronze: Tom O’Toole and Joanne O’Toole, “Thomas Edison Designed This Florida Retreat,” San Juan Star
Category 5: Magazine Article on U.S./Canada Travel
Gold: Jeff Rennicke, “America’s Deepest Canyon,” National Geographic Traveler
Silver: Kathryn Ortland and Len Barnes, “How Grandpa Showed Us Disney World,” Michigan Living
Bronze: Ann Jones, “Kluane,” National Geographic Traveler
Category 6: Newspaper Article on Foreign Travel
Gold: Sophia Dembling, “Coping with the Cultural Gap: Japan,” The Dallas Morning News
Silver: Ron Bernthal, “Artists Find a Home in Puerto Vallarta,” Middletown (NY) Record
Bronze: Rick Sylvain, “A New Dawn in Vietnam,” Detroit Free Press
Category 7: Magazine Article on Foreign Travel
Gold: David Yeadon, “Wales: A Journey to the Heart,” National Geographic Traveler
Silver: Tony Perrottet, “Iceland: Viking Sagas and a Volcanic Landscape Produce the Ultimate Nature Trip,” Islands
Bronze: Anthony Weller, “Out on the Islands,” National Geographic Traveler
Category 8: Newspaper or Magazine Photo Illustration of Travel, Black/white
Gold: Sally Gall, “Turkish Delights,” Islands
Silver: None
Bronze: None
Category 9: Newspaper Photo Illustration of Travel, Color
Gold: Bob Carey, “Year of the Waterfall,” Los Angeles Times
Silver: Doyle Yoder, “Life in the Slow Lane: The Simple Pleasures of Ohio’s Amish Country,” Universal Press Syndicate/ Nashua Telegraph
Bronze: Glen Stubbe, “Rodeo Drive, for Real,” Washington Times
Category 10: Magazine Photo Illustration of Travel, Color
Gold: Dennis Marsico, “This Way, Paradise,” Travel Holiday
Silver: Joe McNally, “Treasures Beyond Measure: New York’s Stunning Museums,” National Geographic Traveler
Bronze: Barry Lewis, “Footloose in Luxembourg,” National Geographic Traveler
Category 11: Self-Illustrated Article
Gold: Bill Begalke, “Valley of the Artist,” Tampa Tribune-Times
Silver: Millie Ball, “Medjugorje: the Holy Town in Former Yugoslavia Still Survives in the Midst of War,” Times-Picayune (New Orleans)
Bronze: Floyd Schneidermann, “Once Upon a Time in Germany,” The Oregonian
Category 12: Article on Land Travel
Gold: Susan Spano, “Across the Top of L.A.,” The New York Times
Silver: Dorothy Storck, “…And the Hard Way on an Oriental Holiday,” Chicago Sun-Times
Bronze: Mary Lou Nolan, “The Road to Ruaha,” Kansas City Star
Category 13: Article on Marine Travel
Gold: Bob Payne, “Footloose by Ferry,” Islands
Silver: Nan Birmingham, “Find Your Place in the Sun,” Hemispheres
Bronze: Harry Shattuck, “A Week at Sea: Behind the Scenes,” Houston Chronicle
Category 14: Article on Adventure Travel
Gold: Cheryl Laird, “Taking Stock,” Houston Chronicle
Silver: Richard Bangs, “The Guides Must Be Crazy,” The World & I
Bronze: Bill Marsano, “The Sun on Yellow Wings,” Conde Nast Traveler
Category 15: Travel News/Investigative Reporting
Gold: Christopher Baker, “Child Prostitution,” The Peak
Silver: Kevin Fedarko, “Holidays in Hell,” Time
Bronze: None
Category 16: Service-Oriented Consumer Article
Gold: Everett Potter, “How Much Will You Pay for this Hotel Room? Too Much,” SmartMoney
Silver: Joseph Anthony, “Saving Your Trip,” The Denver Post
Bronze: Alison DaRosa, “Bargain Hunters’ Paradise,” San Diego Union-Tribune
Category 17: Environmental Tourism Article
Gold: J.D. Brown, “New Life from the Ashes,” Chicago Tribune magazine
Silver: Katy Koontz, “Ecotours: Is the Hot Trend Helping or Hurting the Environment?” Cruises & Tours
Bronze: Nancy Shute, “A Land So Wild Only a River Runs Through It,” Universal Press Syndicate/ Carlisle Sentinel
Category 18: Cultural Tourism Article
Gold: Floyd Schneidermann, “The Tweed Weavers of Harris,” The Oregonian
Silver: Catherine Watson, “A Gift to Be Simple,” Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
Bronze: Julia Wilkinson, “Singapore,” National Geographic Traveler
Category 19: Travel Book
Gold: James O’Reilly and Larry Habegger, “Travelers’ Tales Thailand,” O’Reilly & Associates Inc.
Silver: David Yeadon, “Lost Worlds: Exploring Earth’s Remote Places,” HarperCollins
Bronze: Steve Chappie, “Kayaking the Full Moon: A Journey Down the Yellowstone River to the Soul of Montana,” HarperCollins
Category 20: Guidebook
Gold: J.D. Bisignani, “Japan Handbook,” Moon Publications
Silver: Stacy Ritz, “The New Key to Belize,” Ulysses Press
Bronze: Bruce Whipperman, “Pacific Mexico Handbook,” Moon Publications
Category 21: Destination Travel Using Film, Video, Audio or Any Combination
Gold: Janet Gardener, “Vietnam: Land of the Ascending Dragon,” International Video Network
Silver: Kit Kittle, “Ireland,” Kit Kittle
Bronze: Joe and Mary Adair, “Switzerland: A Peak Experience,” Panoramic Film & Video Enterprises
Category 22: Electronic Computer Media
Gold: Andrew Danik, “Moscow,” Worldview Database
Silver: Lee Foster, “The Electronic Traveler: Worldwide Travel,” Foster Travel Publishing
Bronze: None
The Society of American Travel Writers Foundation was begun in 1981 by a group of SATW writers, editors and public relations professionals who were concerned about the future of travel journalism.

SATW (the Society of American Travel Writers) is the pre-eminent professional association of travel journalists and communicators. Learn more about this premier networking organization by visiting its website, www.satw.org.