In the 11th annual competition, we dropped the category for black-and-white photo illustration of travel since black/white was used less and less. Thus, there were 21 categories.
Monetary awards remained the same: $1,000 to the Travel Journalist of the Year and $500 to Silver place, with $500 to Gold winners in other categories but no monetary prize in newspaper section and magazine categories.
The Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University handled the judging, with Prof. Abe Peck as coordinator.
Awards For Works Published in 1994
Category 1: Grand Award — Lowell Thomas Travel Journalist of the Year
Gold: Christopher Reynolds, Los Angeles Times
Silver: Jack Schnedler, Chicago Sun-Times
Bronze: Laszlo Buhasz, The Globe and Mail (Toronto)
Category 2: Newspaper Travel Section
2A — Newspapers with 500,000 or more circulation
Gold: Los Angeles Times
Silver: The Boston Globe
Bronze: The Seattle Times
2B — Newspapers with 350,000-499,999 circulation
Gold: The Orange County Register
Silver: Rocky Mountain News
Bronze: Fort Worth Star-Telegram
2C — Newspapers with less than 350,000 circulation
Gold: The Record (Hackensack, NJ)
Silver: Times-Picayune (New Orleans)
Bronze: Washington Times
Category 3: Travel Magazine
3A — Monthly
Gold: Travel & Leisure
Silver: Arizona Highways
Bronze: Westways
3B: Non-monthly
Gold: National Geographic Traveler
Silver: Travel Holiday
Bronze: Islands
Category 4: Newspaper Article on U.S./Canada Travel
Gold: Jon L. Lehman “A Bridge to Brooklyn,” The Patriot Ledger
Silver: Tom and Joanne O’Toole, “Beautiful Plantation Lives Again,” Akron Beacon-Journal
Bronze: Jann Mitchell, “Red Chile Christmas,” The Oregonian
Category 5: Magazine Article on U.S./Canada Travel
Gold: Lee Green, “Heat to Humble, Heat to Kill,” American Way
Silver: John Graves, “Watching the Gulf,” Travel Holiday
Bronze: Ted Conover, “Cowboy Christmas,” Travel & Leisure
Category 6: Newspaper Article on Foreign Travel
Gold: Jack Schnedler, “Meeting the Ghost of the Holocaust,” Chicago Sun-Times
Silver: John Muncie, “Mexico: Laid-back Friendly Puerto Escondido,” San Diego Union-Tribune
Bronze: Catherine Watson, “Antarctica: The White Continent,” Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
Category 7: Magazine Article on Foreign Travel
Gold: Tom Callahan and David Kindred, “Around the World in 18 Holes,” Golf Digest
Silver: Simon Winchester, “Pitcairn: The Loneliest Island in the World,” Islands
Bronze: Amy Wilentz, “Between Two Seas,” Conde Nast Traveler
Category 8: Newspaper Photo Illustration of Travel, Color
Gold: Jill Schensul, “Best of Times in the Baltic,” The Record (NJ)
Silver: Syd Kearney, “Paths & Pioneers,” Houston Chronicle
Bronze: Ted Podolak, “The Goodbuy World,” The News Herald (Ohio)
Category 9: Magazine Photo Illustration of Travel, Color
Gold: Dilip Mehta, “In the Mountains Around China’s Guilin, There’s Mist and Magic,” National Geographic Traveler
Silver: Galen Rowell, “Aloha Skies: An Uncommon Look at the Hawaiian Islands,” Islands
Bronze: Jeff Dworksy, “A Maine Album,” Islands
Category 10: Self-Illustrated Article
Gold: Jill Schensul, “Deep Desert: Confronting the Natural Force of Death Valley,” The Record (NJ)
Silver: Harry Shattuck, “St. Petersburg: Window to the West,” Houston Chronicle
Bronze: Jebb Harris, “The Sierra: A Mountain Summer,” The Orange County Register
Category 11: Article on Land Travel
Gold: Chris Welsch, “High Plains Drifting,” Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
Silver: William Ecenbarger, “Drawing the Line,” Philadelphia Inquirer magazine
Bronze: Jim Shahin, “Ten Great Drives,” American Way
Category 12: Article on Marine Travel
Gold: Bob Payne, “He Sails Seychelles, Slowly,” Islands
Silver: Dorothy Storck, “Brain Power Fuels an Ideal Odyssey,” Chicago Sun-Times
Bronze: Terry Caughey, “Cruising the Big Ditch,” The Patriot Ledger
Category 13: Article on Adventure Travel
Gold: Yvette Cardozo and Bill Hirsch, “Born to Run,” Relax
Silver: Maxine Schur, “Honeymoon on a Caribbean Tramp Steamer,” San Francisco Examiner
Bronze: Michael Carlton, “Rivers of Dreams,” Southern Living
Category 14: Travel News/Investigative Reporting
Gold: Gary Stoller, “Unairworthy,” Conde Nast Traveler
Silver: Wendy Perrin, “Cruise Ships and Medical Care,” Conde Nast Traveler
Bronze: Karin Winegar, “Pesticides in Planes,” Conde Nast Traveler
Category 15: Service-Oriented Consumer Article
Gold: Everett Potter, “Ticket to Ride,” SmartMoney
Silver: Ellen Hoffman, “Airing Your Complaints,” Frequent Flyer
Bronze: Jill Schensul, “Lion’s Share,” The Record (NJ)
Category 16: Environmental Tourism Article
Gold: Jon Bowermaster, “Can Ecotourism Save the Planet?” Conde Nast Traveler
Silver: Yvette Cardozo, “Preserving Paradise,” Sport Diver
Bronze: Jessica Maxwell, “Where the Wild Horses Roam,” Travel & Leisure
Category 17: Cultural Tourism Article
Gold: Kim Wright Wiley, “Cheju Do,” Islands
Silver: Jeff Spurrier, “The Arts of Mexico,” Westways
Bronze: Laura Kelly, “Carrying More Than Mail,” Islands
Category 18: Travel Book
Gold: Adam Hochschild, “The Unquiet Ghost,” Viking Penguin
Silver: Susan Brownmiller, “Seeing Vietnam,” HarperCollins
Bronze: Anthony Bailey, “The Coast of Summer,” HarperCollins
Category 19: Guidebook
Gold: Joe Cummings, “Thailand,” Lonely Planet Publications
Silver: Tom Brosnahan, “Guatemala, Belize and Yucatan,” Lonely Planet Publications
Bronze: Carl Parkes, “Southeast Asia Handbook,” Moon Publications
Category 20: Destination Travel Using Film, Video, Audio or Combination
Gold: Paul Lasley, Elizabeth Harryman and Don Formento, “Traveling to D-Day”
Silver: Fran Reidelberger, “Alaska,” Worldwide Travel Films
Bronze: No award
Category 21: Electronic Computer Media
Gold: Tom Brosnahan, Travel Info Exchange
Silver: Richard Bangs, The Traveler, CD-ROM
Bronze: John Pinson and Clara Parkes, “San Francisco,” Worldview
The Society of American Travel Writers Foundation was begun in 1981 by a group of SATW writers, editors and public relations professionals who were concerned about the future of travel journalism.

SATW (the Society of American Travel Writers) is the pre-eminent professional association of travel journalists and communicators. Learn more about this premier networking organization by visiting its website, www.satw.org.