For the 19th annual competition, we changed judges, returning to the faculty at the Missouri School of Journalism, which started our judging in 1985 and served through 1991. Prof. Daryl Moen was coordinator. There were 1,121 entries. In the following list of winners, numbers in parentheses denote number of entries in that category.

Awards For Works Published in 2002-2003


Category 1: Grand Award — Lowell Thomas Travel Journalist of the Year (31)
Gold: Tom Haines, staff writer, The Boston Globe
Silver: Alan Solomon, reporter, Chicago Tribune
Bronze: Catherine Watson, Senior Travel Editor, Star Tribune (Minneapolis)

Category 2: Newspaper Travel Sections (31)
2A — Newspapers with 500,000 or more circulation
Gold: The Boston Globe, Joe Yonan, Travel Editor
Silver: The Washington Post, K.C. Summers, Travel Editor
Bronze: Chicago Tribune, Randy Curwen, Travel Editor
Honorable Mention: 
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Amanda Miller, Travel Editor
Star Tribune (Minneapolis), Chris Welsch, Travel Section Editor

2B — Newspapers with 350,000-499,999 circulation
Gold: The Sun (Baltimore), Bruce Friedland, Travel Editor
Silver: Chicago Sun-Times, Andrea Hanis, Travel Editor
Bronze: The Kansas City Star, Allen Holder, Travel Editor

2C — Newspapers with 200,000-349,999 circulation
Gold: The Charlotte Observer, John Bordsen, Travel Editor
Silver: The Times-Picayune (New Orleans), Millie Ball, Travel Editor
Bronze: Star-Telegram, Fort Worth, Patricia Rodriguez, Travel Editor

2D — Newspapers under 200,000 circulation
Gold: Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL), Katherine Rodeghier, Travel Editor
Silver: Santa Barbara (CA) News-Press, Al Bonowitz, Travel Editor
No Bronze

Category 3: Magazines (20)
3A — Travel Magazines
Gold: Arthur Frommer’s Budget Travel, Arthur Frommer, Editor-in-Chief
Silver: National Geographic Traveler, Keith Bellows, Editor
Bronze: Travel + Leisure, Nancy Novogrod, Editor-in-Chief

3B — Travel Coverage in Other Magazines
Gold: enRoute, Arjun Basu, Editor
Silver: Southwest Airlines Spirit, John Clark, Editor
Bronze: Yankee, Michael Carlton, Editor

Category 4: Newspaper Article on U.S./Canada Travel (90)
Gold: Allen Holder, “Telling Stories, Taking Root,” The Kansas City Star
Silver: Larry Bleiberg, “Little Plant of Horrors,” The Dallas Morning News
Bronze: John Bordsen, “Jeane Dixon was famous, but was she really psychic?”The Charlotte Observer

Category 5: Magazine Article on U.S./Canada Travel (62)
Gold: Douglas Cooper, “Canadian Gothic,” Travel + Leisure
Silver: Charles Montgomery, “Storm Coast,” Canadian Geographic
Bronze: Mark Miller, “Escape Artists,” National Geographic Traveler

Category 6: Newspaper Article on Foreign Travel (77)
Gold: Cindy Loose, “Earth to Iceland,” The Washington Post
Silver: Alan Solomon, “Beyond Wars and Words,” Chicago Tribune
Bronze: Frank D. Roylance, “Pilgrimage to Atessa,” The Sun (Baltimore)

Category 7: Magazine Article on Foreign Travel (60)
Gold: Peter Jon Lindberg, “How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love Bombay,” Travel + Leisure
Silver: Masha Nordbye, “The Oriental Silk Road,” The World & I
Bronze: Rudy Maxa, “A Dish Too Far,” National Geographic Traveler

Category 8: Newspaper Photo Illustration of Travel Article (33)
Gold: Betty Udesen, “In Her Mother’s Shoes,” The Seattle Times
Silver: Jonathan Wiggs, “Cuba, On and Off Track,” The Boston Globe
Bronze: Smiley N. Pool, “Shanghai on the Move,” Houston Chronicle

Category 9: Magazine Photo Illustration of Travel Article (34)
Gold: James Whitlow Delano, “About Face,” enRoute
Silver: David Alan Harvey, “Classic South America,” National Geographic Traveler
Bronze: Sylvia Plachy, “Is Atlantic City Worth the Trip?” Arthur Frommer’s Budget Travel

Category 10: Special Packages/Projects (56)
Gold: “Crater Lake Commemorative Issue,” The Oregonian (Portland), Sue Hobart, Travel Editor
Silver: “Romancing the Bargain Hunter,” Chicago Tribune, Randy Curwen, Travel Editor
Bronze: “Pack Up The Family,” San Francisco Chronicle, Christine Delsol, Travel Editor

Category 11: Self-Illustrated Article (61)
Gold: Rick Staehling, “Eagle Scout,” Travel Etc. Magazine
Silver: Bob Friel, “Getting to the Bottom of Belize,” Caribbean Travel & Life
Bronze: Michael Buckley, “Cavalier of Curiosity,” NUVO Magazine

Category 12: Article on Land Travel (34)
Gold: Alan Solomon, “10 Great Drives,” Chicago Tribune
Silver: Carl Duncan, “Northern Extremes: Canada,” Los Angeles Times
Bronze: Peter Mandel, “Riding the Dog,” The Washington Post

Category 13: Article on Marine Travel (40)
Gold: Cindy Loose, “Little Houseboat of Horrors,” The Washington Post
Silver: Joana Varawa, “Sailing the Winds of Time,” Hana Hou! Magazine
Bronze: Bruce Northam, “Drifting With Burma’s Sea Gypsies,” blue Magazine

Category 14: Article on Adventure Travel (54)
Gold: Peter Benchley, “Elegant Danger,” National Geographic Traveler
Silver: Wendy Knight, “On Ice,” Vermont Life
Bronze: Bruce Northam, “Night Passes…Will You?” blue Magazine

Category 15: Travel News/Investigative Reporting (19)
Gold: Deborah Williams, “Better Airport Security,” The Buffalo News
Silver: Jayne Clark, “How Safe Is Your Hotel?” USA Today
Bronze: Edward Hasbrouck, “Total Travel Information Awareness,” PracticalNomad.com

Category 16: Service-Oriented Consumer Article (89)
Gold: Paula Szuchman, “Top 35 Travel Websites,” Travel + Leisure
Silver: James Thurston (Yenckel), “The New Names, the New Chains in Budget-Priced European Travel,” Arthur Frommer’s Budget Travel
Bronze: Randy Johnson, “Leaders of the Pack,” Hemispheres The Magazine of United Airlines

Category 17: Environmental Tourism Article (37)
Gold: Natalie Angier, “Costa Rica: Exploring Eco-Tourism,” Slate
Silver: Jim Morrison, “Ire Down Below,” Southwest Airlines Spirit
Bronze: C.M. Mayo, “Lay Thine Hand Upon Him,” The Massachusetts Review

Category 18: Cultural Tourism Article (86)
Gold: C. M. Mayo, “A Touch of Evil,” Fourth Genre (Michigan State University Press journal)
Silver: Carrie Miller, “Real Culture,” National Geographic Traveler
Bronze: A. R. Williams, “Death on the Nile,” National Geographic

Category 19: Personal Comment (95)
Gold: Rick Mashburn, “Living for Today, Every Day,” The New York Times
Silver: Cindy Loose, “Table for One?” The Washington Post
Bronze: Rolf Potts, “Room with a Skew,” National Geographic Traveler

Category 20: Travel Book (Other than guidebook) (17)
Gold: Daisann McLane, “Cheap Hotels,” Taschen publishers
Silver: Tony Perrottet, “Pagan Holiday: On the Trail of Ancient Roman Tourists,” Random House Trade Paperbacks
Bronze: Michael Buckley, “Heartlands: Travels in the Tibetan World,” Summersdale Publishers

Category 21: Guidebook (47)
Gold: Rob Grader, “The Cheap Bastard’s Guide to New York City,” The Globe Pequot Press
Silver: Patricia Brooks, “Where the Bodies Are,” The Globe Pequot Press
Bronze: Christopher P. Baker, “National Geographic Traveler: Cuba,” National Geographic Society

Category 22: Internet Publication/Website (13)
Gold: NationalGeographic.com/Traveler, Heather Morgan, Online Editor
Silver: LonelyPlanet.com, Scott McNeely, Publisher, and Tamar Lowell, Manager
Bronze: WorldHum.com, Jim Benning and Michael Yessis, Co-Editors

Category 23: Internet Travel Article (35)
Gold: Tim Cahill, “Blues Highway,” Slate.com
Silver: Bruce Chambers, “Hiking the John Muir Trail,” OCRegister.com (online Orange County Register, Santa Ana, CA)
Bronze: David Brill, “Desire & Ice: Challenge on Denali,” NationalGeographic.com/Traveler

The Society of American Travel Writers Foundation was begun in 1981 by a group of SATW writers, editors and public relations professionals who were concerned about the future of travel journalism.
SATW (the Society of American Travel Writers) is the pre-eminent professional association of travel journalists and communicators. Learn more about this premier networking organization by visiting its website, www.satw.org.