Members of the Missouri School of Journalism faculty, coordinated by Prof. Daryl Moen, judged the contest. There were 1,330 entries. In the following list of winners, numbers in parentheses denote number of entries in that category.
Awards For Works Published in 2003-2004
Category 1: Grand Award — Lowell Thomas Travel Journalist of the Year (50)
Gold: Rosemary McClure, staff writer, Los Angeles Times
Silver: Michael Martinez, staff writer, San Jose Mercury News
Bronze: Chris Welsch, Travel Editor, Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
Honorable Mention: Tom Haines, staff writer, The Boston Globe
Category 2: Newspaper Travel Sections (30)
2A — Newspapers with 500,000 or more circulation
Gold: The Boston Globe, Joe Yonan, Travel Editor
Silver: The Washington Post, K.C. Summers, Travel Editor
Bronze: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Amanda Miller, Travel Editor
Honorable Mention: Los Angeles Times, Catharine Hamm, Travel Editor
2B — Newspapers with 350,000-499,999 circulation
Gold: The Sun (Baltimore), Bruce Friedland, Travel Editor
Silver: The Plain Dealer (Cleveland), David Molyneaux, Travel Editor
Bronze: Orlando Sentinel, Lisa Roberts, Travel Editor
Honorable Mention: The Seattle Times, Terry Tazioli, Travel Editor
2C — Newspapers with 200,000-349,999 circulation
Gold: San Jose Mercury News, Linda Tsai, Travel Editor
Silver: The Times-Picayune (New Orleans), Millie Ball, Travel Editor
Bronze: Richmond Times-Dispatch, Katherine Calos, Travel Editor
Honorable Mention: Contra Costa Times, Anne Chalfant, Travel Editor
2D — Newspapers under 200,000 circulation
Gold: Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL), Katherine Rodeghier, Travel Editor
Silver: Santa Barbara (CA) News-Press, Al Bonowitz, Travel Editor
Bronze: The Ottawa Citizen, Laura Robin, Travel Editor
Category 3: Magazines (29)
3A — Travel Magazines
Gold: Travel + Leisure, Nancy Novogrod, Editor-in-Chief
Silver: National Geographic Traveler, Keith Bellows, Editor-in-Chief
Bronze: Arthur Frommer’s Budget Travel, Erik Torkells, Editor
3B — Travel Coverage in Other Magazines
Gold: Southern Living, Morgan Murphy, Travel Editor
Silver: Delta Sky, Duncan Christy, Editorial Director
Bronze: Entrée, Karen Carroll, Editor
Category 4: Newspaper Article on U.S./Canada Travel (104)
Gold: Marty Basch, “In Tune With Nature,” The Boston Globe
Silver: Robert Cross, “Bully for the Badlands,” Chicago Tribune
Bronze: Bruce Friedland, “Polite Society,” The Sun (Baltimore)
Category 5: Magazine Article on U.S./Canada Travel (89)
Gold: Natasha Singer, “Break On Through,” Outside
Silver: Timothy Taylor, “School of Fish,” enRoute
Bronze: Joan Juliet Buck, “Under the Tucson Sun,” Travel + Leisure
Honorable Mention: Rosanne Haggerty and Cait Murphy, “Reinventing a River,” American Heritage
Category 6: Newspaper Article on Foreign Travel (86)
Gold: Susan Spano, “England’s Dark Intrigue,” Los Angeles Times
Silver: Kristin Jackson, “Japan 101,” The Seattle Times
Bronze: Steve Hendrix, “Burma in the Balance,” The Washington Post
Honorable Mention: Angie Chuang, “Vietnam: Finding Zen Within the Chaos,” The Oregonian (Portland)
Category 7: Magazine Article on Foreign Travel (83)
Gold: Adam Goodheart, “The Other Side of Oz,” Travel + Leisure
Silver: Matthew Chapman, “Islands of the Fittest,” National Geographic Traveler
Bronze: Tom Clynes, “The Gabon Experiment,” National Geographic Adventure
Honorable Mention: Anita Draycott, “Riding the Green Elephant,” Doctor’s Review
Category 8: Newspaper Photo Illustration of Travel Article (43)
Gold: Alan Berner, “At Home on the Range,” The Seattle Times
Silver: Michael Lloyd, “The King of Roads,” The Oregonian (Portland)
Bronze: David Ryan, “Display Space,” The Boston Globe
Honorable Mention: Kevin Fujii, “A Night at the Von Minden,” Houston Chronicle
Category 9: Magazine Photo Illustration of Travel Article (44)
Gold: Bobby Fisher, “Seeing Red,” Travel + Leisure
Silver: Michael Melford, “Into Africa,” National Geographic Traveler
Bronze: Maura McEvoy, “Corsica,” Town & Country Travel
Honorable Mention: Patrick Zachmann, “Nouveau Paris,” Arthur Frommer’s Budget Travel
Category 10: Special Packages/Projects (47)
Gold: “Travel Now,” Travel + Leisure, Joan Juliet Buck, Jasper Becker, Nick Higgins, Shane Mitchell, Mitchell Owens, Jeff Wise, Rebecca Mead
Silver: “Taste of Travel,” National Geographic Traveler, Keith Bellows, Editor-in-Chief
Bronze: “Suddenly Last Weekend,” The Washington Post, K.C. Summers, Travel Editor
Honorable Mention: “On the Road with Reid: Round Ireland” MSNBC.com, Arthur Frommer’s Budget Travel, Reid Bramblett, author
Category 11: Self-Illustrated Article (102)
Gold: Chris Welsch, “Postcards From Rome,” Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
Silver: Gary Porter, “Burning Man’s Warm Welcome,” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Bronze: Mark Downey, “A Chance to Shine,” World & I Magazine
Honorable Mention: Alan Berner, “The Day the Sheep Take Idaho,” The Seattle Times
Category 12: Article on Land Travel (40)
Gold: Michael Lewis, “The Mark Twain Trail,” Slate
Silver: Alan Solomon, “The Great American Train Ride,” Chicago Tribune
Bronze: Cindy Loose, “Sarasota by Segway,” The Washington Post
Category 13: Article on Marine Travel (49)
Gold: Toni Stroud, “The Nile,” Chicago Tribune
Silver: Glen Petrie, “Northwest Passage,” Cruise Travel
Bronze: Spud Hilton, “Portable Port,” San Francisco Chronicle
Honorable Mention: Alison DaRosa, “Freight and Sea,” San Diego Union-Tribune
Category 14: Article on Adventure Travel (53)
Gold: Peter Benchley, “Return to the Deep,” National Geographic Traveler
Silver: Steve Hendrix, “Rafting’s Flip Side,” The Washington Post
Bronze: Anne Chalfant, “Chill in Whistler,” Contra Costa Times
Honorable Mention: Joe Glickman, “It Started in Texas,” San Antonio Express-News
Category 15: Travel News/Investigative Reporting (16)
Gold: Gary Stoller, “In-flight Entertainment Systems Linked to Scores of Jet ‘Difficulties,’” USA Today
Silver: Carl Hoffman, “Into Harm’s Way,” National Geographic Adventure
Bronze: Jeff Greenwald, “Burma: A Tourist’s Paradox,” Yoga Journal
Category 16: Service-Oriented Consumer Article (92)
Gold: Alison DaRosa, “Do Research Before Plunking Down Money for Time Share,” San Diego Union-Tribune
Silver: Barry Golson, “La Vida Cheapo,” AARP The Magazine
Bronze: Andrew Nelson, “Insider’s New Orleans,” National Geographic Traveler
Category 17: Environmental Tourism Article (42)
Gold: Kira Salak, “Places of Darkness,” National Geographic Adventure
Silver: David Sharp, “Dam Nation,” Via
Bronze: W. Hodding Carter, “Without a Paddle,” Outside
Honorable Mention: Jonathan B. Tourtellot, “Destination Scorecard,” National Geographic Traveler
Category 18: Cultural Tourism Article (91)
Gold: R.W. Apple Jr., “Vietnam,” Town & Country Travel
Silver: Sally and John Macdonald, “Charleston’s Hidden History,” The Seattle Times
Bronze: Ed Readicker-Henderson, “Under the Protection of the Cow Demon,” “The Best Travelers’ Tales 2004”
Honorable Mention: Stephen Beaumont and Janet Forman, “Juke Joint Jumping!” Discovery Magazine
Category 19: Personal Comment (113)
Gold: Kari J. Bodnarchuk, “Mission to Rwanda,” Points of Entry, Christopher Newport University Journal
Silver: Pico Iyer, “The Magic of Flight,” Via and AAA World magazines
Bronze: Michael Gorra, “Innocents Abroad?” Travel + Leisure
Honorable Mention: Carl Purcell, “Musings: Witness to History,” Hemispheres
Category 20: Travel Book (27)
Gold: “Making Connections: Mother-Daughter Travel Adventures,” Wendy Knight, Editor, Seal Press
Silver: “Desert Memories: Journeys Through the Chilean North,” by Ariel Dorfman, National Geographic Society
Bronze: “The Kindness of Strangers,” Don George, Editor, Lonely Planet Publications
Category 21: Guidebook (42)
Gold: “Moon Handbooks: Four Corners,” Julian Smith, Avalon Travel Publishing
Silver: “Lonely Planet: USA,” Jeff Campbell & team, Lonely Planet Publications
Bronze: “Brooklyn: The Ultimate Guide to New York’s Most Happening Borough,” Ellen Freudenheim with Anna Wiener, St. Martin’s Press
Honorable Mention: “Foghorn Outdoors: California Beaches,” Parke Puterbaugh & Alan Bisbort, Avalon Travel Publishing
Category 22: Internet Publication/Website (15)
Gold: LonelyPlanet.com, Tamar Lowell, Global Online Products Manager
Silver: TravelTools.net, Reid Bramblett, Author-Editor.
Bronze: Frommers.com, Robert Bosch, Associate Director, and David Lytle, Editorial Producer
Honorable Mention: TurkeyTravelPlanner.com, Tom Brosnahan, Owner
Category 23: Internet Travel Article (43)
Gold: Rolf Potts, “Virgin Trail: Travels in the Other Central America,” Slate
Silver: Reid Bramblett, “Endangering Our National Parks,” MSNBC.com, Arthur Frommer’s Budget Travel
Bronze: Seth Stevenson, “Tokyo on One Cliche a Day,” Slate
The Society of American Travel Writers Foundation was begun in 1981 by a group of SATW writers, editors and public relations professionals who were concerned about the future of travel journalism.

SATW (the Society of American Travel Writers) is the pre-eminent professional association of travel journalists and communicators. Learn more about this premier networking organization by visiting its website, www.satw.org.